Ah, chemistry for sure is unpredictable. The blueprint is at the end of the article. Let's analyze the subject topic by topic, shall we?
- Basic concepts of chemistry: As the name suggests, this chapter is pretty basic. As long as you know all the formulas, this chapter will be a breeze. Solve the textbook questions, and you're done. And during the exam, most importantly, be careful! There's a lot of potential for silly mistakes.
- Chemical Bonding: This is another easy chapter. Be thorough with all structures and hybridizations, so you don't need to waste time thinking in the exam. This appears to be a really important chapter, with 20% contribution to the total. Also, for the 3 mark questions, try to explain why your structure is the way it is (The equatorial and Axial stuff-- where do lone pairs go?).
- Thermodynamics: As always, the 3 mark question is probably a thermochemistry one, where you're given a reaction, and have to find the heat released/gained in the reaction. Practice the textbook problems, there aren't many. This chapter shouldn't take more than an hour to prepare for.
- Redox reactions: The 5m questions is split into two 2.5 mark balance-the-reactions, which would take a lot of time. If you're hard-pressed for time, do the p-block question instead.
- s-block & p-block: Be very thorough with these chapters, this is where you can score easily. Anything can be asked. Read up the properties of all compounds you see in the reactions-- one question would be an 'Identify A,B and C' type question.
- Organic Chemistry: This can get tricky. Here's what to learn: Nomenclature, isomerism, saw-horse,Neumann projections, Conformers. What not to learn: The reactions. Be very careful in nomenclature. Practice the book questions.
The blueprint: (* means choice)
Topic | 1 mark | 2 mark | 3 mark | 5 mark |
Basic concepts of chemistry | 1 | 1 | - | 1* |
Chemical Bonding | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1* |
Thermodynamics | 1 | 1* | 2* | - |
Redox reactions | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1* |
s-block | 1 | 2 | 1 | - |
p-block | 2 | - | 1 | 1* |
General organic chemistry | - | 3 | 2 | 1* |